Of Sorts for Provincials,
American Weapons of the French & Indian War

color photos of antique arms up to 22" in landscape format,
by Jim Mullins
Part Number: BOOK-OSFP
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This new book boldly displays the firearms, swords, and accouterments of the American provincial soldiers during the French and Indian War, 1754 – 1763.

Important early antique guns from the Colonial Williamsburg Foundation, the Jim Mullins collection, the Wallace Gusler collection, and many private collections are shown in the beautiful photographs by Ryan Gale.

Author Jim Mullins has created "Of Sorts for Provincials", American Weapons of the French and Indian War. One glimpse will reveal that this book was a true labor-of-love.

A sample of the table of contents includes:
  • Royal Arms & Accouterments
  • Year by Year, 1754-1760
  • Non-Ordnance Cartridge Boxes
  • Powder Horns and Shot Bags
  • Fowling Pieces
  • Trade Fuzees
  • Carbines
  • American Military Muskets
  • Buccaneer Muskets
  • Colonies and more!

Unlike their British counterparts, the American provincials were issued a wide range of weapons from standard British Long Land muskets and carbines to civilian rifles and fowlers. These were often old, used, and in poor condition, guns that were described by British officers as "of sorts for Provincial". These weapons did not come only from British contractors and the Board of Ordnance, but from foreign countries such as Holland, Belgium, and France. Each style of long arm came with a unique bayonet, many of which are shown throughout the book. Original examples of these unique weapons, as well as excavated pieces, are shown from public and private collections throughout the country. Showcased in high resolution, full color, all images were made by photographer and author Ryan R. Gale whose companion book, A Soldier-Like Way has become a favorite on French and Indian War arms of the British Infantry.

Also included are many original paintings, drawings, and maps from a variety of American museums and collectors.Printed in landscape format, the 11 x 8-1/2" format allows for beautiful wide color photos, on the fine coated paper. Long guns and swords are shown in wide views, up to 22" wide across-the-gutter. Close-up views of the unique maker's marks, proof marks, top views, and detail views show features rarely revealed.

A native of Virginia, Jim Mullins has exhaustively researched this subject, utilizing original journals, orderly books, and official military records housed on both sides of the Atlantic. The results have been meticulously broken down by year and by colony. He tells the story of the many problems encountered while arming the American colonial soldiers, by using actual quotes from the correspondence of the British officers. Some of the quotes are harsh critiques of the undisciplined American soldiers and volunteers.

Besides long arms, a variety of swords, knives, pole-arms, and pistols were used by the American soldiers. Besides weapons, the accouterments used by the soldiers are also covered, including cartridge pouches and boxes, shot pouches, powder horns, powder measures, and cleaning tools.

"Of Sorts for Provincials" is a must-have book for any French and Indian War historian, re-enactor, or collector. Soft cover, 11 x 8-1/2" landscape format, 192 pages, full color photos. ISBN # 978-0-9765797-3-1. Published in the USA, by Track of the Wolf, Inc.

"This book sheds much light on this long neglected area and will be of immense value to historians and collectors alike."

Don Troiani, Military Artist and Historian

"Jim Mullins has done what no other arms scholar has yet attempted in such detail,"

Erik Goldstein, Curator of Mechanical Arts & Numismatics, The Colonial Williamsburg Foundation

Chapters include:

  • Royal Arms & Accouterments
  • Year by Year, 1754 - 1760
  • Commercial and Civilian Arms and Accouterments
  • Non-Ordnance Cartridge Boxes
  • Powder Horns and Shot Bags
  • Fowling Pieces
  • Light Arms
  • Fusils
  • Trade Fuzees
  • Carbines
  • Commercial Military Muskets
  • American Composite Muskets
  • Rifles
  • Buccaneer Muskets
  • Officer's Equipment
  • Colonies
  • Appendix
  • Glossary
  • Bibliography
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