Track's On-Line Help Center

Order Status

You will receive an email from us when your order has shipped. The email will contain your order number, order information and tracking number.

We do our best to keep you updated on your backordered items. We will receive an e-mail from us when your item is shipped, the same as when you placed the original order. The e-mail will contain your order number, order information and new tracking number. We will also send you periodic e-mails updating you on the status of your order. Often times, we do not have exact shipping dates as to when your item will come back in stock. Be assured that we have not forgotten about your items. The best way to find out when your backorder will be shipped is to keep an eye on your e-mail. If at anytime you wish to cancel your backorder, please send us an e-mail or give us a call at 763-633-2500.