LEE Loading Dies,
caliber .43 Spanish,
including standard shell holder
Part Number: LEE-DIE-43-SPANISH
Availability: Out of Stock, request notification when available.
Price: $38.99
Lee Limited Production Pace-setter dies include full length sizer, bullet seater and roll crimper, built in stuck case remover, long guided expander, standard shell holder, powder dipper, load data and instructions.

The Lee No. 17 shell holder included is cut to accept 0.087" rim thickness. Antique rifles are chambered to accept the .090" rim thickness.

Brass cases reformed from .348 WCF may have the thinner 0.087" thick rim.

Brass cases reformed from .348 WCF by Dave Gullo, Buffalo Arms, have a .090" rim thickness, to headspace correctly in all antique Remington Rolling Block Rifles that he surveyed. We agree. Use RCBS No. 22 shell holder.

Brass cases made to exactly match the original cases require the RCBS No. 22 shell holder, sold by Buffalo Arms or other RCBS dealers. Our #CASE-43-SPANISH is one example. The turned brass cases by Rocky Mountain Cartridge Company require this RCBS No. 22 shell holder.

Original antique brass cases should not be reloaded and fired. Mercuric primers cause old brass to become brittle. Antique cartridges should be collected, but never fired.

We strongly recommend adding #LEE-DIE-45-EX die body, plus #DIE-439-COMP expander plug, plus #DIE-43-COMPRESS compression plug. Uses tools to expand the neck to accept the #LYMAN-439-186 cast bullet, and seat the #WAD-450-B thin white card when compressing the powder. We use #LUBE-SPG to place a small lube cookie over the card, under the bullet. Lubricant softens black powder residue.
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